What is RATGA
The Galician Transgenic Animals Network (RATGA) was created in 2004, as an initiative of a group of researchers of Universities of Santiago of Compostela and Vigo interested in the creation of a series of resources and infrastructures devoted to the improvement of the Biomedical research using human diseases models, and specifically genetically modified models. From the beginning, the network was centered in improving the training of the researchers that use animals in experimentation, not only in techniques but also in ethical and legal issues, and the realisation of a series of research infrastructures that optimize the exploitation of the resources . At present, RATGA brings together more than 50 researchers belonging to different Galician Research Centers and Institutions, such as the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Campuses of Santiago de Compostela and Lugo) and the Health Research Institute of Santiago (IDIS).
During these years the different aims were developed through three fundamental goals:
- Firstly, the Network has provided a forum for the research community, with the purpose of generating new resources useful, not only for its members but also for the scientific community.
- Secondly, the training in the field of the animal of laboratory,
- and in third place to improve both the scientific soundness and translational value of this research to the society.
The measures for achieving all of these, RATGA is:
- Establishment and maintenance of a Cell and Tissue Bank.
- Creation and management of a Cryopreservation Service
- Training
- Scientific divulgation